Welcome to KuruxIndia.com
We are the one of the important people group among the big people groups in India. We are very happy to build this website in our heart language. You could able to watch Kurux Jesus film in this website, and could able to listen Kurux Audio Bible, and could able to read Kurux New Testament, and could find many photos, and able to download all these things. In future you could able to find many more things here in our heart language. Your feedback and comments are valuable to us, so please use the contact form below to send them to us. We hope you will enjoy and like KuruxIndia.com
Kurux is spoken as a first language by 15,36,000 out of 43,67,000 people living in ten Indian States, Chhattisgarh(7,27,000), Jharkhand(16,07,000), Orissa(3,57,000), Bihar(1,07,000), West Bengal(8,47,000), Assam(6,48,000), Madhya Pradesh(22,000) and Tripura(8,600), Andaman and Nicobar Islands(7,000), and Arunachal Pradesh(5,800). Kurux people also live in the neighbouring countries of Bangladesh(1,05,000), Nepal(42,000) and Bhutan(5,300). The total population of Kurux people is 45,19,000.
Kurux people are sometimes called Oraon. Kurux is a member of the Dravidian language family, and is most closely related to the Malto and Kishan languages.